About this organisation
Summary of activities
Mission Australia is a national Christian charity that stands alongside people in need across Australia. Our goal is to end homelessness and ensure people and communities in need can thrive. Backed by our supporters, partners and funders, we work together for the long-term wellbeing of anyone who needs us. With more than 160 years of experience, we help people to tackle the root causes of their challenges and enable them to participate fully in society. We deliver homelessness crisis and prevention services, provide social and affordable housing, assist disadvantaged families and children, address mental health issues, fight substance dependencies, support people with disability and much more. Together, we stand with Australians in need, until they can stand for themselves.
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Outcomes are self-reported by charities
Programs and activities
Name: Homelessness - Assertive Outreach
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?postcode=&keywords
Classification: Homeless services (Human services > Special population support > Homeless services)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Adults - aged 65 and over
- Families
- Females
- Financially disadvantaged people
- Males
- People at risk of homelessness/ people experiencing homelessness
- Victims of crime (including family violence)
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Homelessness - Crisis & Transitional Accommodation
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?postcode=&keywords=crisis+accommodation
Classification: Homeless refuges (Human services > Shelter and residential care > Homeless refuges)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Adults - aged 65 and over
- Females
- Financially disadvantaged people
- Males
- People at risk of homelessness/ people experiencing homelessness
- Victims of crime (including family violence)
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Homelessness - Case Management
Classification: Housing for the homeless (Human services > Shelter and residential care > Supported housing > Housing for the homeless)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Adults - aged 65 and over
- Families
- Females
- Financially disadvantaged people
- Males
- People at risk of homelessness/ people experiencing homelessness
- Victims of crime (including family violence)
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Aged Care-Residential
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?postcode=&keywords=aged+care
Classification: Senior living (Human services > Shelter and residential care > Senior living)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 65 and over
- Females
- Financially disadvantaged people
- Males
Name: Community Facilitation and Coordination
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?categoryIDs%5B%5D=194&postcode=&keywords=
Classification: Community development (Community development )
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Adults - aged 65 and over
- Children - aged 6 to under 15
- Families
- Females
- Males
- People from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (or people from a CALD background)
- People in rural/regional/remote communities
- Unemployed persons
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Alcohol and Drug Services - Community Treatment, Prevention and Harm Reduction
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?categoryIDs%5B%5D=185&postcode=&keywords=
Classification: Substance abuse (Health > Mental healthcare > Addiction services > Substance abuse)
Beneficiaries:- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Adults - aged 65 and over
- Females
- Males
- Victims of crime (including family violence)
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Children & Families - Family Support
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?categoryIDs%5B%5D=186&postcode=&keywords=
Classification: Parent education (Human services > Family services > Parent education)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Children - aged 6 to under 15
- Early childhood - aged under 6
- Families
- Females
- Males
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Mental Health Services
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?categoryIDs%5B%5D=193&postcode=&keywords=
Classification: Mental healthcare (Health > Mental healthcare)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Families
- Females
- Males
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Programs - Local Area Coordination
URL: https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/services?postcode=&keywords=NDIS+Local+Area+Coordination
Classification: Disability services (Human services > Special population support > Disability services)
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Females
- Males
- People with disabilities
- Youth - 15 to under 25
Name: Employment, Education and Training - Specialist Employment
Classification: Employment (Economic development > Employment )
Beneficiaries:- Adults - aged 25 to under 65
- Females
- Males
- People with disabilities
- Unemployed persons
- Youth - 15 to under 25
What is this?
This graph shows how much revenue (money in) and expenses (money out) the charity has had each year over the last few years. Charities have many sources of revenue, such as donations, government grants, and services they sell to the public. Similarly, expenses are everything that allows the charity to run, from paying staff to rent.
What should I be looking for?
First off, this graph gives a general indication of how big the charity is - charities range in size from tiny (budgets of less than $100,000) to enormous (budgets more than $100 million). You're also looking for variability - if the charity's revenue and expenses are jumping up and down from year to year, make sure there's a good reason for it.
Unlike companies, charities and not-for-profits aren't on a mission to make money. However, if they spend more than they receive, eventually they will go into too much debt and run into trouble. As a very general rule, you want revenue to be slightly above expenses. If expenses is reliably above revenue, the charity is losing money. If revenue is much larger than expenses, it means the charity might not be using its resources effectively. It isn't always that simple, however, and there's a lot of reasons a charity might not follow this pattern. They might be saving up for a big purchase or campaign, or they might have made a big one-off payment. If you're worried, always look at the annual and financial reports to understand why the charity is making the decisions it is.
What is this?
If a charity receives more money than it spends, that's a surplus (in business, it would be called profit). If it spends more than it receives, that's a deficit. This chart shows surpluses and deficits for the charity over the last few years.
What should I be looking for?
Unlike companies, charities and not-for-profits aren't on a mission to make money. However, if they spend more than they receive, eventually they will go into too much debt and run into trouble. As a very general rule, you want a charity to make a small surplus on average. A deficit means that charity lost money that year, which may indicate poor financial management or just a series of bad circumstances. If the charity always has a huge surplus, it means the charity might not be using its resources effectively. It isn't always that simple, however, and there's a lot of reasons a charity might not follow this pattern. They might be saving up for a big purchase or campaign, or they might have made a big one-off payment. If you're worried, always look at the annual and financial reports to understand why the charity is making the decisions it is.
What is this?
This chart compares the amount the charity receives from various sources, including donations (i.e. money given by the general public or philanthropy), goods and services, government grants, and other sources.
What should I be looking for?
Donations are an important source of revenue for some charities. Others rely more heavily on government funding, or on revenue from other sources. This is an indication of how much they need donors to accomplish their mission. Note that there is no 'good' or 'bad' amount of donations for a charity to have. It might be interesting to look at values over time - are they going up or down? A charity that gets less donations every year may be in trouble.
What is this?
Assets are things that the charity owns that are worth something. This could be anything from a car to investments. Similarly, liabilities are debts or obligations that the charity owes to someone else, like a loan or an agreement to pay for something.
What should I be looking for?
Firstly, in general a charity should have more assets than liabilities. If it doesn't, it implies that the charity might not be able to pay its debts, and you should look very closely at the charity's annual and financial reports to make sure they are taking steps to remedy this. Current assets should generally be above current liabilities - that means the charity can easily pay off the debts that are coming due soon. Beyond that, look for a large stockpile of assets. While a charity should have enough assets to keep it afloat in hard times (a 'buffer') if that stockpile gets too large the charity could be using that money more effectively. As always, if you have concerns check the annual and financial reports.
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