ChangePath has benefits for both donors and for not-for-profits. The general public are often wary of giving money to charitable organisations, because they hear a lot of mixed things thanks to the mass media. This reduces the number of people willing to give to any charity.
We believe that the pool of potential donors can grow, and that by demonstrating that charities are well-run and transparent, we can convince more people to give to good causes. More importantly, we can direct funds towards well-run, transparent, sustainable charities, helping them to succeed.
As a general statement, ChangePath firmly believes that charity is an overwhelming good for society, and should be encouraged.
ChangePath has two fundamental principles:
- ChangePath is an independent, transparent, not-for-profit service to help people who wish to choose a charity to donate to. To remain independent, ChangePath does not accept money from charities in any way that could be seen as a conflict of interest. Rankings and scores cannot be bought.
- ChangePath has no political, religious, or cultural affiliation (beyond an obvious focus on Australia). All charities are treated equally and on their merits alone.
This means that we will always try to give a fair and unbiased assessment of a charity, based on facts.