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Charity detailed scoring and metrics

This charity is up-to-date on the ACNC, and has financial reports available. It has recent and historic annual reports available on its website. It has a privacy policy available.
This charity has more assets than liabilities, and has asset coverage of 10 months of expenses. It has made 1 losses in the last five years.
Gold seal
This charity has submitted both recent and historic outcomes. It has described how it measures its outcomes.

About this organisation

Summary of activities

We provide relief and support to families with sick children across Australia via a number of free programs designed to give distraction and support when they are needed the most. We are the widest-reaching, most inclusive and fastest-responding charity of its kind in Australia. We do not receive government funding and rely on the generosity of the public to ensure we reach and provide our support services over 1,000,000 times a year.


Outcomes are self-reported by charities

Self-reported outcomes achieved

Number of minutes of distraction and play provided by the Tap 2 Distract App


This is an accurate record of the total number of minutes of distraction and play provided to users of the Tap 2 Distract App. (2025)

The number of children and family members directly helped by our core services.


This is the recorded number of individual children and family members we have been able to directly assist and support via our RAPID TLC program and TLC Ambulance Program. Each impact has created moments of care during challenging times. (2024)

Number of times the Distraction Box Program is used


This figure represents the actual number of times the Distraction Box is used during a medical examination or procedure. (2024)

Outcomes measurement detail

Approach to measuring outcomes

We measure our impact through precise data collection across our programs. The Tap 2 Distract App tracks total usage time while ensuring strict user privacy. Rapid TLC and TLC Ambulance requests are recorded through a structured referral system, with each approved request representing a child or family in need. Distraction Box usage is tracked through hospital surveys, reflecting its role in reducing stress for children, families, and healthcare professionals.

Approach to collecting feedback from the people it serves

TLC for Kids actively seeks feedback via multiple channels to ensure our services meet the needs of children, families, and healthcare professionals. We gather insights via hospital surveys, healthcare professional feedback, and direct responses from families. The Tap 2 Distract App collects anonymous usage data, while Distraction Box impact is measured through regular hospital reporting, helping refine our services and ensure every program delivers meaningful support where it’s needed most.

Programs and activities


What is this?

This graph shows how much revenue (money in) and expenses (money out) the charity has had each year over the last few years. Charities have many sources of revenue, such as donations, government grants, and services they sell to the public. Similarly, expenses are everything that allows the charity to run, from paying staff to rent.

What should I be looking for?

First off, this graph gives a general indication of how big the charity is - charities range in size from tiny (budgets of less than $100,000) to enormous (budgets more than $100 million). You're also looking for variability - if the charity's revenue and expenses are jumping up and down from year to year, make sure there's a good reason for it.

Unlike companies, charities and not-for-profits aren't on a mission to make money. However, if they spend more than they receive, eventually they will go into too much debt and run into trouble. As a very general rule, you want revenue to be slightly above expenses. If expenses is reliably above revenue, the charity is losing money. If revenue is much larger than expenses, it means the charity might not be using its resources effectively. It isn't always that simple, however, and there's a lot of reasons a charity might not follow this pattern. They might be saving up for a big purchase or campaign, or they might have made a big one-off payment. If you're worried, always look at the annual and financial reports to understand why the charity is making the decisions it is.


Scoring detail


Charity ACNC information last updated: 2025-03-06
Charity website information last updated: 2024-01-19
Charity information updated by charity: Yes, last updated 2025-03-07