The next phase in ChangePath’s journey has begun with our new beta site. We’re proud to announce significant improvements to ChangePath – more charities, more information, and more functionality. You can help us by using the new site and letting us know your feedback.
You can visit the new site here.
New features on the site include:
- Impact tracking – ChangePath now includes information on the outcomes that charities are creating. One of our most requested features, charities can now add what their outcomes are as well as how they track their impact.
- 35,000+ charities – thanks to new algorithmic ratings, ChangePath has had a significant boost from 900 charities to over 35,000.
- Charity login – charities can now create free ChangePath accounts that allow editing and adding new information to their ChangePath page (such as outcomes). Any edits that would affect the score for the organisation must be approved by a ChangePath staff member.
- Better filters – thanks to the new programs data from CLASSIE, you can now filter charities by exactly what they do.
- New information – ChangePath now includes quotes from privacy policies, data on programs, the management/team page for an organisation, and more.
With these new features comes a new design and new scoring badge for charities to proudly display their ChangePath rating. Importantly, the ChangePath scoring methodology has been updated, and scores are now given for three attributes:
- Transparency – whether the charity makes financial and organisational data easily available online (score out of 5)
- Financial sustainability – how the charity has managed its resources (score out of 5)
- Outcomes – whether the charity has provided information about its outcomes and how it measures them to ChangePath (seal, bronze to gold).

Note that a charity’s rating is not affected by whether they have an account (beyond the fact that they can notify ChangePath more easily of errors).
Your help would be much appreciated. This is a new site, with new functionality. While we have done our best, it is very likely that there are still errors and bugs lurking in the site. Please let us know if you find any by using the “give feedback on beta” link on the right of the site pages or by using this link: beta feedback.
This new site would not be possible without our generous donors and supporters, as well as our volunteers. Thank you to you all.
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